Cathy Home Care Philosophy

Combining Convenient Care, Warm Service, and Best Quality Care.

At Cathy Home Care, high priority is set in maintaining consistent and effective quality services to our clients. Home care has been shown to help people heal faster and be back to normal and at the same time controlling the cost of health care. People recover faster because they are happier and feel more comfortable when living at home.

We recognize that everyone's health situation is different and we assign an experienced case manager to visit your home and work with your family and primary care provider to implement a personalized care plan.

Controlling Costs through Efficiency and Training

Modern healthcare seeks to tie provider cost to quality metrics and reductions in total cost of care, whether through decreased healing time, quality, and efficiency of caregivers. Cathy Home Care agrees to be accountable for the quality, cost, and overall care of insurance beneficiaries who are enrolled in the traditional fee-for-service program or are under new healthcare models.

Our Philosophy:

.Provide full continuum of care for patients at home.
      • .Payments are linked to quality improvements
    • .Lower overall costs
.Reliable and progressively more sophisticated performance measurement
      • .Achieve savings through improvements in care
    • .Quality Meal Preparations leading to overall better health



Cathy Pham, RN, BSN
Skilled Nursing, PT, OT, ST, MSW, HHA.
PAS, PHC, CBA Program



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